Sept. 21: Georgetown University Event – Climate Change Expert to Speak on “Planetary Health”
On Thursday, Sept. 21, Gary Cohen, Co-Founder and President Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth, will speak at Georgetown University on "Planetary Health"

Is the future just one long hot summer?
Blog Post from Dr. Cecilia Sorensen, Consortium Fellow: Global climate change is predicted to exacerbate underlying determinants of poverty and widespread effects on human health. .

Cecilia Sorensen
Cecilia Sorensen, MD is the 2017 Living Closer Foundation Fellow in Climate and Health Science Policy – a collaborative post-graduate training program through the University of Colorado, National Institutes of Environmental....

Minnesota health advocates praise increased social cost of carbon
American Lung Association of Minnesota board member Dr. Gail Brottman stated that asthma is the most chronic childhood disease and made worse by particulate pollution.
Sample Request Letter
Suggested outline for letter: Briefly introduce yourself and why you are concerned about climate change. Tell your representative why you are excited about the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus: chance to....
Sample Thank You Letter
Suggested outline for thank you letter: Briefly introduce yourself and why you are concerned about climate change. Tell your representative why you are excited about the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus:....

August 2017 Champion!
Medical Champion for Climate & Health: Dr. Samantha Ahdoot, M.D., Pediatrician
Aug 1-2, 2017: Resilient Virginia Conference
2017 Resilient Virginia Conference Resilient Virginia is pleased to announce that the Virginia Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), will take a....

American Psychiatric Association 2016 – Mental Health and Climate Change

Climate change and your health
By Dr. Georgia Milan, Idaho State Journal: Doctors have become increasingly alarmed about the effects of climate change on human health.

A doctor’s prescription for climate change
By: Dr. Ankush K. Bansal, As a South Florida physician who sees patients with conditions affected by climate change, I’m concerned.

Doctors warn Trump about climate change, but he won’t listen
By: Don Gaede, M.D. - President Trump is exiting the Paris climate accord against medical advice.

July 2017 Champions!
Lori G. Byron, MD, pediatrician, & Robert G. Byron, MD, internist, have been hitting the road to tell people how climate change can damage their health.
Statement on President Trump’s Decision to Withdraw from the Paris Agreement

June 2017 Champion!
Medical Champion for Climate & Health, Dr. Amy Collins
Letter to President Trump
As President Trump meets with members of his administration and outside experts on Tuesday to weigh whether or not to stay a party to the 2015 Paris agreement, America’s doctors....
Climate Change and Health in Virginia – Sunday, April 23, 2017
VCCA offered a full day of education. Speakers included scientists, physicians, medical student, an advocacy director from the American Lung Association, and a communication expert, all speaking about how the....

This Earth Day be a Champion for Environmental Science
Blog post co-authored by Nathaniel DeNicola, MD, MSHP, the ACOG liaison to the American Academy of Pediatrics Executive Council on Environmental Health.

Red states among renewable energy leaders
CLEAN ENERGY By: Kavya Balaraman, E&E News reporter Published: Thursday, April 20, 2017 Wyoming might be in coal country, but it’s also leading the country in renewable energy capacity, a new....

Majority of rooftop users are middle-income — report
SOLAR By: Maxine Joselow, E&E News reporter Published: Thursday, April 20, 2017 How wealthy are residential solar customers? A new report has found an answer to this question, which often surfaces....