September 2019 Champion!
Dr. Marcalee Alexander is working on the climate crisis literally one step at a time, as she walks on an awareness-raising mission from Campobello Island to Key West, Florida.

July 2019 Champion!
As the climate crisis intensifies, brutal days become more common, which puts more Floridians in greater danger – a health risk that Dr. Todd Sack wishes more people realized.

June 2019 Champion!
As physicians, we are bound by the Hippocratic oath to prevent what we cannot treat. Our climate crisis needs bold science-based policy to transform our fossil-based electricity, transportation and food-systems.....

April 2019 Champions!
Meet our Champions of the Month... Climate & Health Advocates at the Consortium Conference!

March 2019 Champion!
A change in one carbon footprint is a step toward a more sustainable planet, but it takes a group to make a big difference. As he works to counter climate....

February 2019 Champion!
Dr David Fivenson, a dermatologist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, expects that as the planet’s temperature goes up, incidence of dermatological disease will too. Read about how this champion is raising....

January 2019 Champion!
Dr. Carissa Cabán-Aleman, a psychiatrist and assistant professor, is a champion for providing psychological first aid for local leaders affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. She has helped social....

November 2018 Champion!
Dr. David Pollack, a psychiatrist and professor, is a champion for elevating the urgency of climate change within the field of psychiatry. He helped found the Climate Psychiatry Alliance, which....

October 2018 Champion!
Dr. Aparna Bole, a pediatrician in Cleveland, is a champion for improving her center's environmental performance as an integral part of its community health mission. She is also speaking with....

September 2018 Champion
Dr. Wendy Ring's puppets are teaching people to make positive choices for better health and a healthier planet.

July 2018 Champion!
Dr. King sees climate change as a very serious public health issue, notably in South Florida.

June 2018 Champion!
Matthew T. Burke M.D., former director of state programs for the Consortium, says, "Much of climate change policy and mitigation is going to happen at the state level."

April 2018 Champion!
Dr. Nitin Damle, an internal medicine specialist in Rhode Island, has been lecturing across the United States and around the world about the health effects of climate change.

March 2018 Champion!
Dr. Stephen Hansen discusses the ways in which climate change is already impacting public health in the United States.

February 2018 Champion!
Dr. Holder, an internal medicine specialist, speaks about her experiences and how they tie into climate change.

January 2018 Champion!
Dr. DeNicola, OB-GYN in DC, calls on other doctors to inform each other and counsel patients about the health impacts of climate change.

December 2017 Champion!
Dr. Mimi Guarneri says, "We need to think we are all connected—because we are. We need to shift from an ego-driven model to an eco-driven model."

November 2017 Champion!
Dr. Lisa Del Buono has been teaming up with her son to advocate for a healthy climate and empowering teens to make significant strides towards meaningful climate policy.

October 2017 Champion!
Mark Mitchell, MD MPH, provides environmental health education to physicians and advocates on behalf of NMA.

September 2017 Champion!
Wendy Ring, MD, is spreading the word about healthy climate solutions.