June 6 Conference – Clinical Care for Workers in the Climate Crisis
Join the Mount Sinai Institute for Exposomic Research for the 5th annual Clinical Climate Change conference.
July 20 Webinar – The Effects of Heat and Air Pollution on the Brain and Behavior
This webinar will explore the biopsychosocial impacts caused by climate change and air pollution associated with fossil fuel use.
July 20 Webinar – Climate Change and Mental Health
Join NH Healthcare Workers For Climate Action for a webinar on climate change and mental health.
Press Release: President Biden Signing the Inflation Reduction Act
The IRA has the potential to bring substantial benefits to the health of the U.S. population across the country, preventing nearly 4,000 deaths and 100,000 asthma attacks every year by....
Consortium Statement on the Inflation Reduction Act
The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic legislative victory for climate and health equity that will transform the US response to climate change and accelerate the clean energy transition. At....
September 19-20 – Advocacy Day and Retirement Celebration
Join the Consortium for virtual and in-person visits to Congress and a celebration of our founder, Dr. Mona Sarfaty.

Opinion: Musk – Make Austin an Ecological Paradise
In an op-ed published in The Austin Chronicle, Climate and Health Equity Fellow Dr. Jessica Edwards calls on Tesla to lead the green charge in Austin.
July 27 Webinar – Gear Up for Civic Health Month — Why, How, and Act Now
In this webinar, you'll learn why voting access and civic engagement are so important to our patients' health and see how an example of how a large Southern California clinic....
Consortium Statement on Senator Manchin’s Dangerous Decision
Our statement on the reports of Senator Manchin halting progress on climate action
Consortium Statement on West Virginia v. EPA Decision
Our director's statement on the climate and health impacts of today's West Virginia v. EPA decision.

June 2022 Champion
Meet Dr. Jerry Abraham: a family doctor, tireless advocate for healthcare access and health equity, and co-author of the recent AMA resolution on climate change.
Joint Statement from Five Consortium Members on Dobbs Case
The Consortium uplifts the following statement from five of our member societies on the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
July 6 Webinar – Climate & Health Project ECHO: Putting Climate-informed Care into Practice
Join NH HWCA, Dartmouth Hitchcock, and the NH Medical Society for a Climate & Health Project ECHO every other Wednesday from 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET.
July 8 Webinar – 400 Years of American Food Policy: Challenges & Equitable Solutions
Join us for the next webinar in our Climate & Health Equity Webinar Series to learn about the American food system and its connection to climate change and health equity.
July 11 Webinar – California Healthy Places Index: Heat Edition – Demo Webinar
Learn more about the California Healthy Places Index (HPI): Heat Edition, which helps the state prepare for extreme heat.
July 12 Webinar – Rules of Nonprofit Election Advocacy
This webinar will highlight some common pitfalls and provide suggestions and tips for avoiding the appearance of electioneering and other partisan activity.
July 21 Webinar – Climate Conversations: Urban Transportation
Join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to discuss how cities can navigate today’s challenges and opportunities around reducing emissions and improving residents’ mobility.
July 26 Webinar – Protecting Latino Families from Extreme Heat
Join Moms Clean Air Force and EcoMadres for a panel on the human connection between clean air, climate change, health, and health equity.
July 26 Workshop – Pathways to an Equitable and Just Transition Workshop
The National Academies’ Committee on Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology Policy and Societal Dimensions will host a one-day workshop on equity and justice in the energy transition.
July 27 Webinar – Accelerating a Transition to Zero-Emission Transportation
Join the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments on Wednesday July 27th at 2 pm ET for a Facebook Live event featuring air pollution and health experts.