April 2020 Champion!
Read about Dr. Joel Charles who serves as lead clinician on COVID-19 planning for the local critical access hospital in Soldiers Grove Wisconsin.

REPORT: American Public Responses to COVID-19
This new report informs the public health community and policymakers about Americans’ coronavirus knowledge, attitudes, vulnerabilities, protective behaviors, and communication needs.

International Federation Gynecology and Obstetrics: Statement on the Climate Crisis and Health
Emergent evidence from a broad coalition of international researchers and the medical community has demonstrated that the current climate crisis presents an imminent health risk to pregnant women, the developing....
Apr 21, 2020 Webinar: Children, Health Equity, and Climate Change
Dr. Sacoby Wilson and Nsedu Obot Witherspoon will present on how climate change is impacting children's health and how we can work together across institutions to protect the health of....
Letter to Congress on COVID-19, Climate and Health
In this letter to Congress, thousands of doctors, nurses and healthcare providers are urging lawmakers to consider the existing and predicted health harms from climate change in any future legislation....

COVID-19 and Climate Change: What can we learn about saving lives?
Drs. Mona Sarfaty and Richard Carmona write about COVID-19 and how its lethal impacts are a wake-up call to pay attention to scientists’ warnings on climate change.

VIDEO: Mobilizing Action for Climate, Health, and Equity
Health leaders from around the country working at the forefront of climate solutions bring to life the 10 points in the U.S. Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity:....
Apr 4, 2020: Code Blue for Patient Earth Conference (canceled)
Join Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, the Minnesota Department of Health, health professionals, academics, and many others for a full-day conference about climate and health.
Apr 4, 2020: Climate Change & Health Symposium (postponed)
This symposium will provide health care professionals with an opportunity to engage in robust discussion about ideas for corrective action to improve the lives of people in the face of....
Apr 3-4, 2020: Creating a Climate for Change Conference (now online)
Creating a Climate for Change Spring Conference will focus on understanding the impact of humans as part of evolution and the natural world with examples of Bowen theory in action.
Apr 2, 2020 Webinar: How Climate Change is affecting Allergy Season in Virginia
Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action (VCCA) presents a webinar, with speaker Dr. Christine James, on how Climate Change is affecting the spring allergy season in Virginia.
Response of the Health Community to the announced Rollback of the ‘Clean Cars’ Standards
By design, the proposed standards would increase fossil fuels burned and harmful pollution emitted into the atmosphere. Read the full statement and an additional letter from the AAFP.
Mar 31, 2020 Online Session: Coronavirus and climate crisis – Connections and possible solutions
Explore opportunities for collective action to confront these threats by a worldwide pandemic and the climate crisis.

WATCH: Doctors answer your questions on ‘Coronavirus House Calls’
Featuring advocate Dr. Marcalee Alexander, this episode of "Coronavirus House Calls" on CBS answers questions on the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 2020 Champion!
Dr. Mukhopadhyay is working on encouraging all Wisconsin hospitals to be carbon-neutral by 2030, and creating patient-centered information about the health harms of climate change.

The government should bail out families, not the fossil fuel industry
Across the country, thousands of health care workers are putting their lives on the line in the fight against the deadly coronavirus pandemic.
Job Opportunity: Professor and Director of GCCHE
The Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health welcomes applications for a Professor and Director of the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education.

RGGI provides a path to protect kids’ health
Dr. Tim O'Mara writes about how pediatricians are leading the medical community in support of policies that will ensure a bright and healthy future for children.
Mar 17, 2020 Webinar: State of the Evidence on Health and Climate
Dr. Aparna Bole and Dr. John Balbus will present on the state of the evidence on health and climate change with a focus on how this evidence applies to and....
Mar 17, 2020 Webinar: Why Carbon Pricing is a Public Health Issue
Join this webinar for a deep dive on the public health benefits of carbon pollution pricing.