Jun 19, 2020 Webinar: Maternal Health, Climate Change, and Birth Outcomes
This webinar seeks to provide an understanding of available epidemiology, reproductive justice implications, and policy and community interventions.
Jun 18, 2020 Live Panel Discussion about the film: Unbreathable – The Fight for Healthy Air
Watch the new film, Unbreathable: The Fight for Healthy Air, which spotlights the ongoing struggle for clean air in the United States. Register to watch the film in advance and....

Medical professionals call for health care, social equality
Medical professionals, including Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action, gathered on Sunday June 15, to call for an end to disparities in health care and justice.
Jun 11, 2020 VCCA Webinar Series: The Enduring Legacy of Inequitable Heat Exposure in US Cities
This webinar will explore plausible connections between historical housing policy and exposure to extreme heat, as well as other deleterious patterns in our urban areas.
Jun 10, 2020 Webinar: Understanding Global Climate Change and How It Affects Air Quality and Human Health
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences presents a series of Climate, Environment, and Health webinars. This webinar focuses on understanding Global Climate Change and how It affects air quality....

Statement by the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health on Racial Injustice and Systemic Racism in the United States.

TEDMED Talk: The link between climate change, health and poverty
Watch Dr. Cheryl Holder’s TEDMED Talk to learn more about her proposed tools and strategies that would make for a robust medical response to climate change.
Letter to Congress – A Fair and Healthy Election
Organizations: Please consider signing this Letter to Congress asking they ensure that all Americans have the right to vote without risking their health.
Apr 28 – Jun 2, 2020 Webinar Series: The Health Emergency of Climate Change
In this program devoted to Climate Medicine, UCSF faculty and associates highlight the impact of global warming on major health conditions and describe how actions that mitigate global warming also....

May 2020 Champion!
Read about how Dr. Rebecca Philipsborn sees the health of people and the planet are intertwined, and why we should care about climate change for the health of our children.....
19 Health and Medical Organizations Strongly Oppose EPA’s Move to Keep Weak Limits on Particle Pollution, Placing Health of Millions at Risk
EPA’s proposal ignores the current science and the opportunity to prevent harm to health. Read the joint statement released by the American Lung Association and other health and medical organizations.
May 28, 2020 Webinar: Air Quality and Public Health
Hosted by Mason’s Institute for a Sustainable Earth this webinar series investigates dimensions of the current health and economic crises through the lens of sustainability science.
May 26 to Jul 28, 2020 MOOC: Bending the Curve – Climate Change Solutions
This massive open online course (MOOC) is a FREE four-part series and includes lectures from experts in climate science, social science, public health, policy, economics, energy technologies, super pollutants, and....

Supporting a #HealthyRecovery
We can achieve a #HealthyRecovery from the coronavirus pandemic if we handle the response right, by building in lasting improvements that make our country and the whole planet healthier. ....
Letter to the G20 leaders calling for a #HealthyRecovery
On May 26, 2020, over 350 organizations representing over 40 million health professionals and over 4,500 individual health professionals from 90 different countries, wrote to the G20 leaders calling for....

COVID-19 and Anxiety
Dr. Robin Cooper writes about COVID-19 and anxiety, with strategies to stop, recognize, and identify our emotional states and to redirect these uncomfortable feelings to energize us.
May 13, 2020 Webinar: Climate & Health 101
Join Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments and Marketing for Change for a virtual workshop to enhance your understanding of the climate and health....
May 7, 2020 VCCA Webinar Series: Ticks and Tickborne Diseases of Virginia
Dr. Holly Gaff will discuss tick ecology and migration patterns which ultimately affect the health of Virginians through transmission of diseases such as Lyme Disease.
Apr 28, 2020 Webinar: Health Equity and Climate Change – Indigenous Local Traditional Knowledges
Join us to learn more about the evolving impacts of climate change on health and how we can work together to prevent harm and create healthier, more equitable communities.
Apr 23, 2020 Webinar: Overview Of Work and Funding at the Intersection of Climate Change, Health, and Equity
Learn what seven funder affinity groups found when they surveyed their foundation members and NGOs in the field—almost 200 foundations and organizations from around the country—about this rapidly growing and....