Opinion: Health Leaders Should Speak Out for Proposed Carbon Emission Regulation
In this new op-ed, Executive Director Dr. Lisa Patel, explores the implications of the EPA's proposed power plant rule and how health professionals should advocate around it.
Consortium Statement on Protecting the Inflation Reduction Act
MSCCH reaffirms the climate and health benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act and believes it is important to protect the existing tax credits to facilitate a quicker transition to cleaner....
May 12 – The Extreme Risks of Extreme Heat and Those Who Are Impacted (CME)
<Back to Webinar Series Main Page Climate & Health Equity Webinar Series Note: CME available, see below for more info The Extreme Risks of Extreme Heat and Those Who Are....
Consortium Statement on the Proposed Light- and Medium-Duty Vehicles Rule
The Consortium's statement on the proposed rule to make future light- and medium-duty vehicles cleaner for the environment.

May 2023 Champion
Joan Widmer, a member of the NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action’s Board, seeks to share the impacts of climate change on health with the goal of fostering climate action.
Consortium Statement on the EPA’s New Proposed Rules to Curb Carbon Pollution From Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants
MSCCH supports the new EPA proposal to limit carbon pollution from fossil fuel-fired power plants.
Consortium Statement on the Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
The Consortium supports the EPA’s proposed strengthened rule and asks the EPA to finalize a more stringent alternative standard for non-mercury metal hazardous air pollutants.
Letter to The Joint Commission on Hospital Sustainability Standards
Over 750 health professionals have signed a letter to The Joint Commission calling for mandatory hospital sustainability standards.
April 14 – Hospital and Healthcare System Decarbonization: Improving Public Health (CME)
<Back to Webinar Series Main Page Climate & Health Equity Webinar Series Note: CME available, see below for more info Hospital and Healthcare System Decarbonization: Improving Public Health Friday, April....
Training Series – Be a Climate Communications Champion
View our communications workshop series to build your skills and confidence.
June 9 Webinar – Disaster Preparedness & Response: Reaching Those Left Behind (CME)
Dr. Armen Henderson, 2021 CHEF Fellow, and Moriah Washington will talk about the effects extreme weather events and will report on how NYC is working to strengthen communities by implementing....
Press Release: Consortium Releases New Guide for Health Professionals and Community Groups
This guide helps health professionals and community groups build powerful and effective partnerships.
April 21 Webinar – Health Professionals and Community Collaboration Guide
Join us for a webinar to learn more about how to use this new guide on collaboration between health professionals and community-based groups.
June 19 Symposium – When Helping Kids Means Healing the Planet: Climate Change and Childhood Lung Health
Join The Center For Excellence in Pulmonary Biology's annual symposium for wide-ranging discussion on the impact of climate change on child lung health.

April 2023 Champion
Medical student Savita Potarazu helped get a climate change curriculum theme created at the George Washington University School of Medicine.
(Example) April 14 – Hospital and Healthcare System Decarbonization: Improving Public Health (CME)
In this webinar, Dr. Shaneeta Johnson and Dr. Neelu Tummala will discuss greenhouse gas emissions of public health systems and the impact these emissions have on public health.
Action Alert: Ask Your Institution to Sign the HHS Health Sector Climate Pledge
Health Care Without Harm and the Consortium have drafted two letters to help you ask your institution to sign the HHS Health Sector Climate Pledge.
The Consortium’s Statement on the Clean Air Act and New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure
Our statement on the Clean Air Act and the impact of new fossil fuel infrastructure.
August 9 Workshop – Mitigating Methane: A Global Health Strategy
Join the informative and interactive session as the Global Climate & Health Alliance (GCHA) provides insights into methane emissions and their relationship to human well-being.

March 2023 Champions
Advocates at our 2023 Annual Meeting visited over 60 congressional offices to call for stronger clean air standards.