February 24 Event – Climate Change and Human Migration
Join Dr. Caleb J. Dresser in discussing how climate change may affect human movement and how climate change may affect the care of migrants.
April 21 Event – Harnessing the Lancet Countdown for Clinical and Public Health Practice
Join the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE) at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health for a 90-minute interdisciplinary panel which explores how to apply findings of....
Consortium releases 2021 Annual Report
The Consortium has released its 2021 Annual Report, viewable now on our website. We look forward to another year of progress on climate and health in 2022.

January 2022 Champion
Shaneeta Johnson is a clinical professor at Morehouse University in Atlanta, specializing in minimally invasive and bariatric surgery. She is a also a passionate climate change and health awareness advocate.
February 2 Event – Planetary Health Colloquium: How Accelerating Environmental Change is Impacting the Mental Health of Different Populations
On February 2, The Planetary Health Colloqium will discuss the impact climate change has on mental health in different communities.
Feb 2-4, 2022 Conference: Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives
Health Professionals: learn about the latest nutrition science, and how to prepare healthy, nutritious meals that you can then teach your patients. Register before August 31 for a 15% discount!

Support Climate Change Mitigation and Preparation for People with Disabilities
With its increasing heat, climate variability, natural disaster frequency and severity, and pollution due to wildfire smoke, climate change is considered the greatest threat to global health of the 21st....
January 28 Event – Climate and Health Social Media Training
Join the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health on January 28 for a training on using social media to educate, advocate, and mobilize fellow health professionals on climate action.
February 14 Deadline – The Public Voices Fellowship On The Climate Crisis
The Public Voices Fellowship on the Climate Crisis is a year-long initiative to accelerate the ideas and impact of 20 new and necessary thought leaders working at the intersection of....
January 27 Event – The Path To Climate-Smart Net-Zero Emissions Health Care Series
Join the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education and Health Care Without Harm for their five part virtual grand round series that brings together expert global clinical leaders and....
February 8 Event – Climate Change, Health Equity & Structural Racism
Join Dr. Gaurab Basu for an interactive webinar on Feb. 8 at 6:00 pm discussing Climate Change, Health Equity & Structural Racism!
January 19 Event – Finding Common Ground on Climate: It’s About Health, A Panel Discussion with Former VT Gov Howard Dean
Former VT Governor Howard Dean will be in a panel discussion moderated by NH State Senator/Dr Tom Sherman on how to most effectively message on climate change and health based....
January 15 Event – Health Effects of Extreme Weather and Environmental Justice: The Intersecting Peril of Planet and Its Inhabitants
Join the University of Miami for their 2022 Climate and Health Symposium that will bring researchers, clinicians, community leaders, managers and policy-makers to discuss direct and indirect threats posed by....
February 8 Event – Climate and Heath Responders Course for Health Professionals
Join an 8-week free online certificate course on tools to effectively respond to the climate and health crisis.

December 2021 Champion!
Ronda Seifert, a public health expert and nurse, is a dedicated advocate and is working to start a new climate health affiliate group in Arizona, AZ Health Professionals for Climate....

Report on the COP26 climate conference from Dr. Edward Maibach
Dr. Maibach and other advocates affiliated with the Consortium provide a brief summary of what was accomplished at COP26.
November 12 Webinar – The Role of Healthcare Systems in Promoting Resilience
Join our ninth webinar as part of our Climate and Health Equity Webinar series. We will be discussing how hospitals contribute to the climate health crisis, the role of hospitals....
Fellowship Opportunity for Physicians on Climate, Health, Equity
The Climate and Health Equity Fellowship (CHEF) 2022 application are open now and got extended to December 31, click to apply and learn more.
Consortium Statement on US and Global Efforts to Reduce Methane Emissions
The Consortium applauds the Biden Administration and world leaders for taking critical steps to reduce methane emissions, including the proposed EPA rule to regulate methane emissions from the oil and....
Statement on House Action on Build Back Better
As Thanksgiving approaches, The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health is grateful to President Biden and members of the House of Representatives for the passage of the Build Back....