Opportunities for Health Professionals to Advance Climate, Health and Equity through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021
Learn more about the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law and how health professionals can help ensure that the investments succeed in reducing emissions and protecting health.

May 2022 Champion
Meet our May Champion, Dr. Bethany Carlos! A survey spurred her to climate activism. Dr. Carlos is a 2021 Climate Health Equity Fellow (CHEF). What she learned through these trainings....
Sign On Pledge to Decarbonize
HHS is asking health care institutions to join a voluntary pledge to decarbonize and plan for climate resilience to best protect the communities they serve.
June 8 Event – Exploring Climate, Health, & Equity Within the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act of 2021
Join us for an overview of our recently released policy brief and guide to the bipartisan infrastructure law that was recently signed into law in November.
June 16 Event – Sustainable radiology: Bringing climate-smart medical imaging into focus
In this session, moderated by Dr. Geraldine McGinty, two radiologists and a health care emissions researcher explore the value of data and interdisciplinary collaboration in driving climate-smart radiology practice.
May 13 Event – Climate & Health Equity Webinar Series: At-Risk Populations: Climate Threats & Clean Energy Solutions
Climate & Health Equity Webinar Series Friday, May 13, 2022 | Virtual | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Webinar Description: In this webinar entitled At-Risk Populations: Climate Threats &....
May 18 Event – A Heating Planet
This event will explore the effects of climate change in Idaho and the need for climate conversations around solutions.We will also discuss heat impacts on human health, how to determine....
NEJ Article by Drs. John Balbus + Admiral Levine
Read perspectives on climate equity and health in a recently published article in the New England Journal of Medicine.
HHS Pledges Decarbonization
Read about HHS' call to action for health care stakeholders to commit to tackling the climate crisis through a new initiative aimed at reducing emissions across the health care sector.
October 21-22 Conference – Climate & Health 2023
This hybrid meeting will address health adaptation and climate mitigation strategies and the state of these issues across various specialties.
October 26 Webinar – Public Health and Crisis Situations: Communicating and Connecting with Confidence
Public health communicators will hear from crisis communications experts and take away lessons learned from case studies across the field.
June 7 Event – Healing from Trauma by Building for Health
During this conversation you’ll hear from public health experts explaining the structures in place that lead to cities causing trauma and the possible solutions to healing from it. Expect to....

April 2022 Champion
Meet Dr. Victoria Gillet. This Milwaukee internist is organizing with two groups to close Wisconsin’s remaining coal-fired power plants.
Consortium and 58 Health Organizations Call on Biden White House To Limit Fossil Fuels
America's health organizations are calling on the Biden Administration to invest in clean energy - not fossil fuels - to ensure energy independence.

Environmental Justice Story Features Deputy Executive Director Dr. Lisa Patel
Dr. Lisa Patel speaks on environmental justice in this story published on April 13, 2022.
April 27-28 Event – The Sustainability Imperative
Everyone has a role to play. On April 27 and 28, The Hill hosts its second annual festival convening policy leaders and practitioners in the sustainability ecosystem. Each day includes....
May 11 Event – Climate & Health Project ECHO: Extreme Weather Events: Patterns, Preparation, Responses
Join NH HWCA, Dartmouth Hitchcock, and the NH Medical Society for a Climate & Health Project ECHO on Wednesday May 11th from 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET.
May 12 Event – Restoring Ecosystems, Restoring Ourselves
Join Dr. Perkins, resident physician at Seattle Children's Hospital and Abby Fleisch, MD, MPH, pediatric endocrinologist & environmental health researcher at Maine Medical Center, for their event on improving environmental....
April 14 Event – Fossil Fuels, Health, and Frontline Indigenous Communities
Hear from Indigenous leaders Lisa DeVille, who has witnessed firsthand the effects of oil extraction on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota; Kandi White, who has been a leading....
April 19 Event – Multisolving: Climate Solutions That Improve Health and Equity
Join Elizabeth Sawin, Co-Founder and Co-Director of Climate Interactive and an expert on solutions that address climate change while also improving health, well-being, equity, and economic vitality. She will discuss....