December 2, 2020 Webinar: Mental Wellness and Resilience Policy for Climate Change and Other Adversities
Join the International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC) for a presentation on their new Climate Change Mental Wellness and Resilience Policy framework.
December 3, 2020 Webinar: Update on Climate Impacts from the American Academy of Dermatology
Join the American Academy of Dermatology for a free and informative hour bringing an update on climate change and its impacts on skin health and the practice of dermatology.
December 5, 2020 Medical Symposium: Health Effects of Oil and Gas Development
Physicians for Social Responsibility Colorado will host 12 speakers in an interactive online Zoom conference that has been accredited to offer CMEs/CEUs/CEs.
December 5, 2020 Webinar: Medical Symposium on the Health Effects of Oil and Gas Development
PSR Colorado will host an interactive online Zoom symposium that has been accredited to offer 7.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits / CMEs for physicians.
Sep 29, 2020 Symposium – Clean Air for All: 50 Years of the Clean Air Act
This symposium will recognize the accomplishments of the Clean Air Act, document its benefits and reaffirm its role as an essential element in protecting the health of Americans.

Michigan clinicians rally to address climate change as a public health issue
Members of Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action and Michigan State Medical Society are taking note of climate change impacts on their patients' health, and taking action!
VIDEOS RELEASED: Health Voices for Climate Action!
Watch these heartfelt videos as doctors and nurses, in states across the US, speak about how climate change is affecting the health of their patients.

Racism as a Motivator for Climate Justice
Read Dr. Mitchell's personal story of how being the subject of racism led him to help create and change institutions to act on climate and environmental injustices.
Sep 22, 2020: Online Conference Perspectives on Climate Change & Public Health
Experts from around the country will discuss climate-related health problems and some of the barriers to addressing health in environmental policy.
Op-ed: Political leaders will benefit from a new climate focus: Protecting health
The health harms brought on by climate change are warnings of future worse health and economic consequences, and we must take concerted action now.
September CME Webinars from the Consortium
Join us each Friday in September at 12 noon for our CME Webinars series. Register now!
September 17 Webinar: A Vote for Health is a Vote for Climate
A discussion on the upcoming election facilitated by Climate for Health with Dr. Adrienne L. Hollis and Dr. Linda Rudolph.
Voter Resources
These non-partisan resources have been developed to help focus attention on climate, health, and equity during the 2020 election season.
September 17 Webinar: Belly of the Beast: Food, Water, and Gastrointestinal Illness in our Changing Climate
The Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action will host Dr. Rebecca Philipsborn of Emory University to discuss the impact of climate change on gastrointestinal health.
An Open Letter to Candidates
Read and download our Open Letter to Candidates from America’s Health Professionals about rebuilding toward a healthier, greener, more equitable, and resilient America.
Consortium Statement on the EPA decision not to improve the National Ozone Standard
The evidence on the danger of ozone pollution has become stronger, as has the evidence on the health benefits of reducing exposure. We support the recommendation of the American Lung....
Sep 14-28, 2020: Clean Energy and Health Conference
Join Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) Pennsylvania and Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) for their free virtual conference on clean energy and health.

September 2020 Champion!
Dr. Hayley Guilkey is working to fight the climate crisis in South Carolina - reaching health professionals and patients to help make changes statewide.

COVID-19 and Climate Change: We must do better
Pandemics and climate change affect disadvantaged people in many predictable ways and we must do better to prioritize public health.

The Climate Crisis Affects the Most Vulnerable
Physician researchers are documenting the effect that the climate crisis continues to have on the lives of the vulnerable, and on the capacity of our health care system to protect....