Video: Carbon Pricing & Clean Electricity Standards En-ROADS Simulation
A video facilitated by Dr. Lisa DelBuono, CCL MI Liaisons Coordinator and physician advocate for Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action, which reviews En-ROADS - A Climate Change Solutions Simulator.
Aug 5 Webinar: Climate Change, Heat, and Sports Safety
Join this webinar with Dr. Andrew Grundstein presenting on the impact of climate change and heat on sports safety.

Policy Brief: Renewable Energy Standards
Learn more about renewable energy standards and the associated climate, health, and equity benefits.
Online Course: Climate Change Negotiations and Health
This free online course offered by WHO features key information on climate change and its impacts on human health, provides an overview of the international climate change negotiations, and considers....

Action Guide: Renewable Energy Standards
This action guide provides tangible steps you can take as health professionals to push for new or stronger renewable energy standards in your state and at the federal level.
Nov 6-7, 2021: Global Conference on Health and Climate Change
The 2021 Global Conference on Health & Climate Change, with a special focus on Climate Justice and the Healthy and Green Recovery from COVID-19, will convene at the margin of....
July 29 Webinar: Energy Efficiency & Climate Justice
This webinar will convene advocates and sustainable energy experts for a comprehensive discussion on environmental justice and climate priorities.
VCCA Video: Health Officials in Support for Climate Action
Health Professionals describe how implementing climate change solutions will protect their patients now and in the future.
Nov 13, 2021: Climate, A Public Health Crisis: Making Connections & Building Solutions Together
This conference by WHPCA focuses on the harmful health impacts of climate change, and provides tools for healthcare professionals, community members, and students to implement on an individual, department, organization,....
MOOC: Climate Change and Health
In this free, self-paced course, IPCC authors & experts from 10 countries discuss what the world can do to limit the impact of climate change on health.
Research: Advocacy messages about climate and health
A study which looks at how motivating the messages on the health consequences of climate change and the health benefits of climate solutions are, in engaging in political advocacy for....
July 21 Webinar: Mosquitoes, Ticks & Climate Change
Register now for the FCCA July Meeting Webinar presented by Dr. Amy Vittor. Learn the latest science and how you can be informed and prepared this summer.
July 21 Outdoor Rally: 100 Leaders for 100% Clean Energy
Sign up to attend the July 21, 100 Healthcare Workers in Support of 100% rally of health professionals at the U.S. Capitol in support of the 100% Renewable Energy Standard.

July 2021 Champion!
Dr. Gervais says climate change is the most pressing environmental issue for health professionals, and feels a calling to be involved to improve our health and our environment.

Climate Change Calls For A New Hippocratic Oath
Climate change is many things: a drain on our economy, a driver of global migration, a national security threat. It is also the greatest health threat we face today.
July 9 Webinar: Who Do You Call? Responding to Climate Disasters in Environmental Justice Communities
As the rate and intensity of climate disasters increase across the nation, how are we ensuring the health and safety of our communities?
July 9 Webinar: How to Connect on Climate
A special interview with data and insights from climate change communications expert Dr. Edward Maibach, Director of the Center for Climate Change Communication at GMU.
July 9 Webinar: Talking Climate: Health
An interdisciplinary panel of experts will examine the health impacts of climate and inequality, and discuss how to achieve climate justice while advancing public health.
Press Release and Open Letter to President Biden on poor rating of US NDC
The Consortium sends an open letter to the Biden Administration, in response to the low score on the Nationally Determined Contributions scorecard, emphasizing the need to take immediate and equitable action on....
Aug 4 Webinar: Climate Change, Extreme Heat and Health
Join the CDC’s Climate and Health Program for a presentation and discussion about the links between climate change, extreme heat, and public health.