Open Letter to Candidates on Climate and Health – We need our leaders to take action to achieve equitable and healthy climate solutions. You can share this letter with candidates and/or their staff. It explains our perspective as health professionals: why we see climate as a health emergency. >>Download

Climate, Health, and Equity: A Dozen Questions Every Candidate Must Answer – We need our leaders to recognize that the climate crisis is a health crisis and to take strong action to achieve equitable and healthy climate solutions. Use these questions to ask your candidates what they will do to protect and promote health in the era of climate change. >>Download 

Voter Support 

  • Vot-ER – Vot-ER engages voters by giving medical practitioners and providers tools and resources to engage patients to participate in the democratic process. Their primary aim is to integrate voter registration into the health care system. Their impact dashboard allows participating providers to see how many people they’ve registered to vote. Their Clinician FAQs page answers common questions providers might have about the registration process, and their conversation starters page shows practitioners how to engage in conversations about voting and civic participation with patients.
  • The Environmental Voter Project – The Environmental Voter Project identifies inactive voters who care about climate and seeks to get those people to vote. They contact people who they’ve identified as environmentalists and try to inspire them to become consistent voters. Opportunities to get involved can be found here.
  • ecoAmerica – ecoAmerica expands climate leadership beyond traditional environmental circles. They have designed a toolkit with step-by-step information on voting and getting out the vote. You can find that toolkit here.
  • Voto Latino – Voto Latino is a grassroots political organization focused on educating and empowering a new generation of Latinx voters, as well as creating a more robust and inclusive democracy. Voto Latino’s get involved page has good resources on voter engagement, and their “Understand the Issues Page” has explanations of topics voters might be interested in. 
  • Next Gen AmericaNext Gen America seeks to empower and engage young voters. They have an action hub, with resources to help voters take action on issues important to them. They also have a vote page, with steps and resources to help get young people registered to vote and find their polling place. 

Candidate Information

  • League of Conservation Voters: – The League of Conservation Voters seeks to drive action on environmental policy through voter engagement and coalition building among other environmental activists and organizations. They provide information on upcoming environmental legislation and work to mobilize voters to support candidates working to protect the climate. Their Environmental Scorecard  Their endorsement page also shows who they’re supporting and provides a comprehensive set of candidates who have been vetted as environmental champions.
  • Climate Cabinet Scorecard – Climate Cabinet hosts the first national tool to hold state legislators accountable for their climate voting records. The Climate Cabinet Score tells you how often every state legislator in the US votes for or against climate action.
  • Climate, Health, and Equity: A Dozen Questions Every Candidate Must Answer We need our leaders to recognize that the climate crisis is a health crisis and to take strong action to achieve equitable and healthy climate solutions. Use these questions to ask your candidates what they will do to protect and promote health in the era of climate change. Candidates participate in many events and forums, which are either sponsored by community-based and political organizations or hosted by their own campaigns. These questions can also be emailed directly to candidates or re-formatted into brief op-eds for a local media outlet.
  • Open Letter to Candidates on Climate and Health – We need our leaders to take action to achieve equitable and healthy climate solutions. You can share this letter with candidates and/or their staff. It explains our perspective as health professionals: why we see climate change as a health emergency. If candidates can see climate change the way we see it, maybe they will give it the priority it deserves. This can be emailed directly to candidates or re-formatted into brief op-eds for a local media outlet.


Voting as a Prescription for the Climate Health Crisis

Learn from the experts about the AMA’s new resolutions and how they support our advocacy. Explore the role of non-partisan civic engagement in solving the climate health crisis. Then take quick actions to empower your patients to vote for their health and a healthy environment using easy tools from Vot-ER.

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