New Findings on Air Pollution and Pregnancy
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This webinar, originally presented on February 9, 2016, is part of an ongoing series of educational presentations by experts on issues that focus on current and emerging aspects of pediatric and reproductive environmental health.
Learning Objectives:
- List the air pollutants known to increase risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes
- Describe the uncertainties related to the studies on environmental exposures and pregnancy outcomes
- Be able to counsel pregnant and pre-conception patients on reducing risk due to air pollutants”
Presented By:

Vice Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Loy is Vice Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Professor at Rush University Medical College. He developed early clinical research interest in environmental lead exposure in prenatal period in underserved communities. Prior academic work included clinical and research interest and development of expertise in diagnosis and management of IUGR and the care of patients with preterm labor – both key outcome measures in detection of fetal effects of environmental exposure. His focus relating to fetal environmental exposures has been on delivering educational messages through grant supported collaborative development of web-based modules (“HealthyFishChoices”, and “FreshAir for Mom”), through college of medicine course teaching, and through public speaking advocacy (preterm labor and the environment, particulate exposure in pregnancy). Other related grants have supported the development of a thread of environmental topics within the University of Illinois Urban Medicine Program when he was Associate Director of that program. He is Past-Chair of the Chicago Department of Health Maternal Advisory Committee and currently sits on the Illinois State Maternal Mortality Review Committee.
Approximate Completion Time
60 minutes
Continuing Education Information
This course qualifies as continuing education for physicians, nurses, certified health education specialists and other professionals provided by the Centers for Disease Control and its partners.
Origination Date – 03/15/16
Expiration Date – 03/15/18
CE Available
1.0 CME (for physicians)
1.0 CME (attendance for non-physicians)
1.0 CNE (for nurses)
.10 CEU (for other professionals)
1.0 CHES (for certified health education specialists)
Training Material
- Presentation
- Post-Test
- Presentation PDF
- How To Obtain Continuing Education Credit