May 17-18, 2021: Pan American Region Consultation on Climate and Health
Monday May 17 – Tuesday May 18, 2021
Beginning in April 2021, the WHO-Civil Society Working Group on Climate and Health, co-chaired by WHO and GCHA, together with the WHO Regional Offices, and other health partners, will host a series of six Regional Consultations, one in each of the WHO regions. The aims of these consultations are to solicit and elevate health sector recommendations on climate action; strengthen linkages between country, regional and global initiatives on climate change and health; highlight leadership and innovation within each region; and continue to advance support for the WHO Manifesto for a Healthy and Green Recovery from COVID-19.
We are inviting you to participate in the Pan American Regional Consultation to share your expertise, experience, and leadership in health, climate change and sustainable development. This Regional Consultation will consist of two 2-hour meetings to allow for consultative interaction in two major breakout sessions, as well as the sharing of case studies and participation in workshops.