Mar 31, 2020 Online Session: Coronavirus and climate crisis – Connections and possible solutions
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
10:30 am – noon ET | 7:30 – 9 AM Pacific Standard Time | 3:30 – 5:00 PM UK time | 8 – 9:30 PH Delhi time

Session overview
We are living in a moment where two major global threats, a worldwide pandemic and the climate crisis, have suddenly converged. Both are health emergencies. With one, disease spreads like wildfire. And with the other, wildfires and other impacts spread disease.
While at first blush these two crises are not necessarily related to one another, there are a series of coronavirus – climate crisis connections that are worthwhile exploring, as they reveal common causes, synergistic impacts, and shared solutions.
Learn how climate change and the coronavirus pandemic are deeply intertwined in both cause and effect. Explore opportunities for collective action to confront these threats by both strengthening our health systems and building systems change by creating a future based on resilience, health equity, and climate justice.