Jan 25: Webinar with Global Change Research Program
The Global Change Research Program is hosting a public webinar next week on the Health Chapter and health-related content of the 4th National Climate Assessment (NCA4). The webinar is timed prior to the close of the open comment period for the NCA4 to give commenters an opportunity to ask questions of the health chapter author team and assist health stakeholders in responding to the draft. The webinar will provide background on the NCA, its health content, and will provide guidance on how to access and use the Review & Comment system at review.globalchange.gov.
Webinar connection information is provided below:
When: Thursday, Jan 25, 2:00 p.m. EST
Dial-In: 605-475-5612
Passcode: 716-993-2656
Webinar: https://icf.globalmeet.com/CCHHG
The public comment period for the draft NCA4 report is open until Jan 31st. This review period is a critical component of the NCA process and a great opportunity for individuals and groups to get involved, so we hope that you will encourage your networks to review and comment on the draft by visiting review.globalchange.gov before Jan 31!
IPCC Update
USGCRP would also like to remind you that the expert comment period for the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C runs from January 8th-February 25th, 2018. Those wishing to review and comment on the report can go through the USGCRP site, review.globalchange.gov, where you won’t have to certify expert credentials but will have to submit comments by February 8th. Or, you can go directly through the IPCC site at https://www.ipcc.ch/apps/comments/sr15/sod/register.php where you will have to certify expert credentials and register by February 18th in order to be able to submit comments by the end of the review period (February 25th).