February 27, 2021: Climate, Health, and Equity Symposium

The NMA/Cobb Institute is excited to partner with Florida Clinicians for Climate Action for the Annual Symposium: Climate, Health & Equity on Saturday, February 27th, 2021
In this digital reboot of the 2018 Climate, Health & Equity Symposium, we take a closer look at the health implications for multiple threats — a warming world, racial inequality, and a global pandemic. Our prestigious panelists include Dr. Rahn K. Bailey, Dr. Virginia Caine, Dr. Washington Hill, Dr. Cheryl Holder and Dr. Maisha Standifer and more.
Florida Clinicians for Climate Action engages health professionals, including doctors, nurses, and other clinicians to learn about climate-health impacts and advocate for equitable solutions.
The W. Montague Cobb/National Medical Association (NMA) Health Institute (The Cobb Institute), a 501(c)(3) is a national consortium of scholars that engages in innovative research and knowledge dissemination for the reduction of racial and ethnic health disparities and racism in medicine.
If you have questions, or you want to learn more about Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, you can visit: www.FloridaClinicians.org, or contact Director, Melissa Baldwin at FCCAStaff@MS2CH.org