April 21 Webinar – Health Professionals and Community Collaboration Guide

Health Professionals and Community Collaboration Guide

Friday, April 21, 2023 | Virtual | 3:00 PM ET

The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, with support from the Energy Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and NorthLight Foundation, will release the Health Professionals and Community Collaboration Guide on Friday, April 21.

Health professionals and community-based organizations both bring value, expertise, and resources to support effective advocacy for change. Working together, they can be even more effective and impactful. Doctors, nurses, and other health professionals are trusted messengers. By working together, health professionals and community groups can build on each other’s strengths, amplify their voice and reach, and more effectively win policies and systems change.

This session outlines reasons why health professionals and community organizations should work together, strategies to determine when and how to work together, how to find the right partner, and real-world case studies to illustrate the assets and challenges in the process.