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The Extreme Risks of Extreme Heat and Those Who Are Impacted (CME)
May 12, 2023 | Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd and Jeannie Economos

According to the CDC, over 600 people die due to extreme heat-related factors, and thousands more are severely impacted every year. As climate change increases the frequency and length of extreme heat events, more will be affected, therefore, it is vital to know who will be and is most impacted, and what these impacts are. Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd and Jeannie Economos will discuss which populations are most at risk, including farmworkers or those who live in urban heat islands, what factors contribute to these impacts, such as the intersection of urbanization, heat, and health, and what can be done to mitigate and address these effects.


(coming soon) Land Use, Health, Climate Change, & Systemic Racism
July 8, 2022 | Sara Bronin

(coming soon) Climate Change & EJ Communities: Port Arthur, TX as a Case Study
June 10, 2022 | Hilton Kelley


At-Risk Populations: Climate Threats & Clean Energy Solutions
May 13, 2022 | Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd & Chris Walker

In this webinar entitled At-Risk Populations: Climate Threats & Clean Energy Solutions, Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd, Director of the Atmospheric Sciences Program and Distinguished Professor of Geography & Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Georgia, will talk about the physical threats and vulnerabilities of urban communities to climate change, and Chris Walker, Senior Director of Programs at GRID Alternatives, will address how to overcome the barriers to make the provision of renewable energy just and accessible to low-wealth communities.

Systemic Racism & Climate Policies: What About The Children?
March 11, 2022 | Dr. Sacoby Wilson

Throughout US history, policymakers have put in place a series of laws and policies that have intentionally and unintentionally negatively affected Black, Indigenous, and other people of color. Dr. Sacoby Wilson will provide background on some of these policies–what they are and how they affect people of color–focusing particularly on impacts affecting children. He will also give examples of equitable climate policies that can help reverse the effects of racialized negative policies. Dr. Wilson is an Associate Professor and Director, Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH) Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health at the School of Public Health-University of Maryland-College Park. He is an environmental health scientist with expertise in environmental justice and environmental health disparities.

Community-Based Climate Adaptation and Resilience
October 8, 2021 | Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali

Adapting to climate change is not a question for the distant future. Communities are facing the impacts of a changing climate today. Growing floodplains, wildfire seasons, extreme weather, and unfamiliar vector-borne diseases are just a handful of impacts that require concrete changes in the ways governments, institutions, and communities operate. The United States does not have a comprehensive National Adaptation Plan and only about half of all U.S. states have finalized an adaptation plan, in addition to a handful of cities and municipalities. While we have a long way to go in getting prepared, we also have the opportunity to make these plans the right way. What does equitable, community-focused adaptation planning look like? How can health professionals support these processes?

Who Do You Call? Climate Disasters In Environmental Justice Communities
July 9, 2021 | Hilton Kelley & Jacqueline Patterson

All too often the same inequities that plague our economic system are apparent in disaster preparation and response. Lower-resourced communities – while often on the frontlines of disaster – have less access to federal programs and are not adequately served by the local and state systems in place. For the fifth webinar in our Climate and Health Equity series, environmental justice leaders Hilton Kelly and Jacqueline Patterson will join us for a discussion on disaster response needs in low-wealth communities and communities of color. Drawing from decades of experience as dedicated advocates, the speakers will explore the emergency response system’s failure to adequately support these communities and what can be done to make the response more just and equitable.


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