Food & Agriculture
The History of American Food Policy & Marginalized Communities (CME)
July 14, 2023 | Dr. Mark Mitchell
Description: To understand the current food system in the United States, it is important to consider the history of food and agricultural policies, based on slavery and other racialized laws and policies, and the implications today on equity, health, and climate change. Dr. Mark Mitchell, the Co-founder and Director of the Climate and Health Equity Fellowship Program, will discuss this history and needed improvements to the U.S. Farm Bill, our pre-eminent food and nutrition legislation, to address these complex, interconnected issues. |
400 Years of American Food Policy: Challenges & Equitable Solutions
July 8, 2022 | Jordan Curry Carter
Description: In this webinar entitled “400 Years of American Food Policy: Challenges & Equitable Solutions”, Jordan Curry Carter, CHEF Program Manager and on the Board of Instigators at Diverse City Fund, will provide a historical overview of the American food system and its connection to climate change, presenting some issues as well as equitable solutions to the current system. |
Harvesting the Food We Eat: Farmworkers & Climate Change
August 12, 2022 | Jeannie Economos & Jordan Curry Carter
Description: In this webinar, entitled Harvesting the Food We Eat: Farmworkers & Climate Change, Jeannie Economos, who is the Pesticide Safety and Environmental Health Project Coordinator of the Farmworker Association of Florida, will address the reality and the issues of the lives and working conditions of migrant farmworkers, especially climate change impacts on their health and well-being. She will also address what can be done to mitigate these effects. Our second speaker, Jordan Curry Carter, CHEF Program Manager and Board of Instigators at Diverse City Fund, will address agriculture and food policies and solutions. |
How Food and Water Policies Fail Communities of Color
June 11, 2021 | Dr. Mark Mitchell & Julien Gonzalez
Description: As you may know, climate change is already impacting access to healthy, safe, and affordable food and water across the United States. From food security and nutritional content to algae blooms and waste ponds, these climate impacts have been felt first and worst by low-wealth and BIPOC communities. Our first presenter is our own Dr. Mark Mitchell. Dr. Mitchell is a preventive medicine physician trained in environmental health and health policy, as well as the State Affairs Director for the Consortium. Our second presenter is Julian Gonzalez with Earthjustice, which is one of the largest U.S. public interest environmental law firms. Juilian serves as Earthjustice’s water policy lobbyist as a part of the Healthy Communities team in Washington, D.C. |