July 6 Webinar – Climate & Health Project ECHO: Putting Climate-informed Care into Practice

Climate & Health Project ECHO: Putting Climate-informed Care into Practice

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 | Virtual | 12:00 PMĀ ET

Join NH HWCA, Dartmouth Hitchcock, and the NH Medical Society for a Climate & Health Project ECHO every other Wednesday from 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET.

Most healthcare workers are concerned about the impact of climate change on our futures. However, attention to the current effects of climate change on health is only beginning to emerge as an integral part of health professional education and practice. This series will bring together diverse healthcare workers to learn and to share strategies for integrating climate concerns into care of our patients and communities. We will also gain knowledge and tools to become effective advocates to reduce climate impacts on health. As trusted members of our communities, we are ideal messengers to promote actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The time to act is now.