September – November 2020 Webinar Series: Exploring Climate Solutions, Equity and Environmental Justice

Webinar Recordings are available here>

The purpose of this series of webinars is to help members of the Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3), and the public, understand how climate change affects low-income people, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, people of color and other people who are at increased risk due to climate change. In addition, presenters will suggest what is needed to prevent illness, disability and death from climate change related conditions among these and other Connecticut residents.

This series of webinars will be held for one hour at noon each Thursday from September 10 through November 19. The general format will be 30 minutes of presentation, 10 minutes of host-facilitated discussion, and 20 minutes of questions and answers with the audience. All sessions will be recorded and accessible from the GC3 website.

Registration is required to attend. Please register for each of the sessions you wish to join. Links and reminders will be provided following your registration.


1. September 10, Noon-1:00 pm History of Environmental Justice and Racial Policies in Connecticut – Sharon Lewis, Executive Director, CT Coalition for Environmental Justice

2. September 17, Noon– 1:00 pmSocial Determinants of Health Disparities and Energy Affordability ─ Orlando Velazco, Director, Health Equity Office, CT DPH, and Brenda Watson, Director, Operation Fuel

3. September 24, Noon- 1:00 pm An Adaptation and Mitigation Framework for Climate-Vulnerable Populations in Connecticut – Dr. Mark Mitchell, Associate Professor of Climate Change, Energy, and Environmental Health Equity, George Mason University

4. October 1, Noon- 1:00 pm Transportation and Climate Justice ─ Tony Cherolis, Transport Hartford Coordinator, Latino Center for Progress; Maria Cecilia Pinto De Moura, Union of Concerned Scientists; Taylor Mayes, Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs

5. October 8, Noon-1:00 pm Energy Justice ─ Leticia Colon de Mejias, Energy Solutions, Eco Warriors

6. October 15, Noon-1:00 pm EJ and the Urban Natural Environment ─ Chris Donnelly, Urban Forester

7. October 22, Noon -1:00 pm Indigenous Approaches to Climate Change Gerald Torres, Professor, Yale School of Environment

8. October 29, Noon-1:00 pm Mapping Vulnerable Populations –TBA

9. November 5, Noon- 1:00 pm Addressing the Needs of Persons with Disabilities in Climate Planning ─ Marissa Rivera and Stephen Byers, Disability Rights Connecticut

10. November 12 Noon -1:00 pm State Climate Justice Laws and Policies ─ Marianne Engelman Lado ─ Director, Yale Environmental Justice Clinic

11. November 19, Noon – 1:00 pm Intergenerational Climate Justice – Sena Wazer, Sunrise CT; Alex Rodriguez, CT League of Conservation Voters; Jaysa Hunter-Mellers